Help us be the lifeline for every Wyomingite in their moment of need. Your support can make the difference between life and death. Wyoming LifeLine is a non-profit organization, powered by the generosity of patrons and partners like you.
If you're unable to commit to a monthly sponsorship, a one-time donation is equally valuable. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us provide essential mental health support to those in need.
As a SEE project, Wyoming LifeLine is under the fiscal sponsorship of Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE). Your donations to the Wyoming LifeLine are tax-deductible and will appear on your credit card statement as a donation to SEE. Rest assured that your funds will directly support the Wyoming LifeLine's mission to provide crucial mental health services to our community.
Together, we can create a strong safety net for those facing mental health challenges in Wyoming. Donate today and make a difference in someone's life.
All donations are important, whether it's monthly or one time only, whether it's
$10, $100, or $1,000, all amounts go to sustaining the LifeLine saving lives.
Log in to your account, choose the payment method, and help save lives.
For donations by check, please make your check payable to our Fiscal Agent - SEE (Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs). Make sure that you write "Wyoming Lifeline" in the memo line.
Checks should be mailed directly to SEE:
Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs
23564 Calabasas Road
Suite 201
Calabasas, CA 91302